The Department Of Electric And Electronics

The Department Of Electric And Electronics

The department of electric and electronics  aims to train the students to gain efficiency in electrics, electronics, and their subbranches as well. Electric and electronics has already transformed into a basic and productive industry which helps all other fields develop better achievements  and advancements. It has achieved the power of producing its own design and technology. Not only does  the field of electric and electronics affect many other sectors in a positiv

02.11.2017 1490

The department of electric and electronics  aims to train the students to gain efficiency in electrics, electronics, and their subbranches as well. Electric and electronics has already transformed into a basic and productive industry which helps all other fields develop better achievements  and advancements. It has achieved the power of producing its own design and technology. Not only does  the field of electric and electronics affect many other sectors in a positive way, but it has also made  vital contributions  to the economy with its own recruitment, production, and export . The changes and improvements in this sector has, and will also in the future, affect many other business areas and branches .

The subbranches of Electric and Electronics are "Electrical Wiring Installations" and "Panel Assembling/Installation" and "High Voltage Systems". Our students get a qualifed education  at  branches and subjects like coil winding,  technical support for office machines and home electronics, maintenance for  electromagnetic  transponders  and  industrial machines, video  and  audiovisual systems, surveillance and communication systems. After the Vocational high school education, the students who succeed in the university entrance test can easily start their BA degree at a related department of a university, or continue with the vocational school of higher education.


Those who are licensed with vocational high school education can be recruited at state institutions or private enterprises. They can even start their own business!
